๐Ÿ๏ธThe Kingdom

The Kingdom will be the second game launched under the World of Cryptoids game and will feature land purchasable by players in the form of NFTs.

Each landowner will receive tax in the form of CGC from players in the region which provides a sustainable

Landowners will be able to do a number of things with the land including:

  1. Breeding more Cryptoids

  2. Farming on the Land

  3. Land Rental

Cryptoidia, Cryptoids homeland, is divided into tokenized plots of land which act as homes and bases of operation for their Cryptoids. Plots can be upgraded over time using a variety of resources and crafting ingredients that can be found when playing the game.

In addition, land-owners might find CAC and CGC tokens on their landplots. Resources can be harvested by the landowners, and the rarer the land plot, the more resources there will be.

Resource Gathering and Crafting

  • Resources will spawn in nodes across Cryptoidia and can be used to upgrade both land and Cryptoids.

  • Landholders will have first rights to any resources that spawn on their land.

Last updated