๐Ÿ’ฒClaim Tokens

mCGC/mCAC earned in game

Select the "Claim Tokens" tab under the my accounts section

Both mCAC and mCGC are currencies obtained within the game. Withdrawal is the process of extracting this currency earned in game onto the blockchain and being tradeable. This corresponds to CAC and CGC

The daily limit shows the amonut of coins that can be withdrawn. The number under today cannot be withdrawn until the next day when it becomes claimable.

Daily Limit

The maximum number of mCGCs that can be harvested daily will increase according to the player's level. For example, 500 at level 1 and 25,000 at level 50

  • The maximum number of mCGCs that can be withdrawn per day is currently fixed at 100,000

  • The minimal withdrawal amounts for CGC and CAC are set at 100 and 10 respectively

  • You can only withdraw once per day

Click claim, enter the allowed value and then click the confirm button to call up the contract and complete the subsequent operations.

If there are issues with the operation after withdrawing, an error will be generated and you can simply click "Reclaim" to confirm the contract and complete the operation.

Last updated