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Each Cryptoid has a race. Each Race is weak and strong against other certain races. When calculating damage, the card race of the attacking move is compared to the Cryptoid race of the defender. This means that an Animal card used to attack a Vitamin Cryptoid will deal 15% additional damage. An Animal card used to attack a Spirit Cryptoid will deal 15% less damage.
In addition, when a Cryptoid of a certain race uses a card from its race it gets a 15% attack/shield bonus. For example, a Food Cryptoid playing a Food card will receive 15% extra attack/shield. Important to note is that these bonuses stack. An Animal Cryptoid using an Animal card against a Vitamin target will do 30% (15% + 15%) more damage. Races also affect the stats that a Cryptoid has. Please review the chart above for an overview of how the race system works.